


Complete your 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) to see what payment options may be available or you. 为 2024-2025 school year, the federal government made some adjustments to the process & Ocean是来帮助你的! 更多信息见下文!

可用性: T在这里 are delays this year and colleges will be receiving your application around mid-March, 最早. Schools should be able to begin to award and package 学生 in or around April. 胜博发将在6月敲定奖励方案. 查看有关FAFSA可用性的更多信息 在这里.

变化: FAFSA表格比以往任何时候都更容易填写.  更多的人可能能够获得上学的资助, making this year the best year ever to continue or start your education! 查看有关FAFSA变化的更多信息 在这里.

问题? Check your 金融援助 Self-Service Portal via 胜博发连接 or reach out to the 胜博发’s 金融援助 Department via email at financial援助@walshprints.com,或打电话给我们 732-255-0400 ext. 310


的 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 你的申请是联邦和州的经济资助吗.

Most financial 援助 is not automatic所有y renewable and a new application should be filed for 每一个 new Academic Year (September – August) you intend to attend. FAFSA通常从每年的10月1日开始发放. 您(和/或您的父母/配偶)提供的信息, w在这里 applicable) prior year Federal Tax Return will be used to complete the application (example: for the 2024-2025 FAFSA, 2022年税务信息使用).

它是 免费的 to file a FAFSA and you should not be prompted to pay upon completion of the application. Some 网站s will request payment – to ensure you are not charged, file your FAFSA at FAFSA应用程序.

*You are required to complete additional information for State 援助 at the end of your FAFSA or directly at the 高等教育学生资助局(HESAA) 网站.


  • 学生(和家长/配偶,如适用)必须申请一份 创建一个联邦学生援助账户 为了电子签名 FAFSA.
    Electronic所有y signing the FAFSA reduces the amount of time it will take for the FAFSA results to reach your school of choice.
  • Once a Federal Student 援助 Account has been created, complete and submit your FAFSA 在线.
  • If you are completing your FAFSA to obtain financial 援助 at 胜博发郡学院, 您需要提供我们的 联邦学校代码:002624 in order for us to receive your application and determine your eligibility.
  • 在你选择的学院完成入学申请.*
    *为了让你选择的学院收到你的FAFSA, your Social Security Number 必须 be included on your 招生 application.

如果你不能在网上报税,你可以填写一份 纸FAFSA 然后寄到美国.S. 联邦学生援助计划的教育部处理器P.O. 伦敦70204号信箱,肯塔基州40742-0204.

It can take 4-6 weeks for your paper application to be processed and to receive a 学生资助报告(SAR) 2023-2024年fafsa及之前的申请,或 FAFSA提交摘要 2024-2025年fafsa及以后.

你可以通过联系FAFSA获得帮助 联邦学生援助信息中心,他们可以通过互联网或电话提供帮助.

另外, you can make an appointment with a member of our financial 援助 工作人员 for assistance in the completion of your financial 援助 application.

胜博发县学院也提供O.P.E.N. 工作坊从十月至六月. 访问我们的 O.P.E.N. 研讨会页面 了解更多信息和注册.

  • Within 3-5 业务 days of filing your FAFSA, you will receive an email and/or mail containing your 学生资助报告(SAR) 2023-2024年fafsa及之前的申请,或 FAFSA提交摘要 2024-2025年fafsa及以后.
    你的SAR/提交摘要通常会包含你的 预期家庭贡献(EFC) / 学生资助指数(SAI) -用来决定你是否有资格获得经济援助的数字.
  • 如果你报告了国家援助的附加信息, you will be mailed a New Jersey Student Eligibility Notice (SEN) within several weeks of filing your FAFSA notifying you of your eligibility for 状态 援助.
  • Upon receipt of your FAFSA and completion of Federal Verification (if applicable) & 任何决议 资格要求, the 胜博发郡学院 金融援助 office will post your award letter on Student 金融援助, 可以通过哪些途径访问 胜博发连接.

联邦政府有不同的申请截止日期, 新泽西州立大学和胜博发县学院. 请参阅下文:

有关截止日期的更多信息,您可以访问 FAFSA -学生援助截止日期.

的 Federal Government selects a student for verification for different reasons. Verification is a process in which the 胜博发郡学院 金融援助 office will collect several documents from you (and your parent/spouse, if applicable) and submit any necessary FAFSA changes/corrections to the Federal Government. 为了保证你的进度,所有的验证文件 必须 be submitted to the 胜博发郡学院 金融援助 office as soon as possible.

As soon as your 申请经济资助 has been received by the 胜博发郡学院 金融援助 Office, 你的学生经济援助门户网站(可通过 胜博发连接) will be updated with required documents, award and eligibility information. This information will be continuously updated as documents are received, 在整个验证过程中.

的 documents required to complete Federal Verification varies per student and you should pay special attention to the Student 金融援助 portal for documents relevant to you.

To determine if you need to submit any documents to complete your financial 援助 application, please refer to the “Required Documents” section of your Student 金融援助 portal, 可以通过 胜博发连接.

T在这里 is nothing you can do to guarantee you won’t be selected for verification as selection can be random, 然而, 当你完成你的工作时,你可以采取一些步骤 FAFSA 这将使被选中的机会最小化;

  • 使用 IRS数据检索工具 (2023-2024年fafsa及更高版本)或 财政援助直接数据交换 (2024-2025 FAFSAs and beyond) when prompted whilst completing your application.
  • Don’t leave anything blank – if a question does not relate to you, enter ‘0’.
  • 回答 每一个 提问要尽可能准确,不要猜测答案.
  • Make sure your application is signed by you and 所有 contributors (parent/spouse etc. (如适用)使用您的 FSA ID 号(年代).
  • If you can’t answer ‘yes’ to any of the dependency status questions, make sure you answer 所有 家长信息问题.
  • 回到你的 FAFSA在线 and add the School Code of the school you are transferring to/from under the relevant section.*
    * 改变你的学校守则的顺序, add the new code underneath the others you already have listed – changing the order could result in your selection for verification and the cancellation of your financial 援助 awards.

