
Visiting and Non-Degree Students

A Visiting Student is one who is currently enrolled at another institution with no plans of earning a degree or certificate from 胜博发郡学院.

A Visiting Student must first 应用胜博发县学院, and then provide a current valid school ID card or unofficial transcripts from his/her current college/university (Send to: registrar@walshprints.com).

  •  A Visiting Student accepts responsibility for meeting course prerequisites and transferability.
  • A Visiting Student cannot simultaneously take two 课程 for which one is the prerequisite of the other without approval from the school Dean.
  • There is no financial 援助 available from 胜博发郡学院 for Visiting Students. Financial 援助 from your home institution may transfer to Ocean. Please consult with your home institution’s 金融援助 Office.

A Non-Degree Student is one who has not matriculated in a specific degree or certificate curriculum. It is the student’s responsibility to file a Change of Curriculum form with the 登记 and 记录 Office once a specific degree or certificate program is chosen. A Non-Degree Student accepts responsibility for meeting course pre-requisites. A Non-Degree Student cannot simultaneously take two 课程 for which one is the pre-requisite of the other without approval from the school Dean.

After you’ve completed your 课程, you can transfer your credits by sending an Official Transcript to the college of your choosing. 只需到我们的 记录请求 page and fill out the information requested. Your transcripts can be mailed or electronically sent.


Visiting and Non-degree 学生 can register on their own through 学生的计划. 这些 指令 will help you register,  log into 胜博发连接, and find your Student ID.

请注意: Non-degree 学生 do not need to meet prerequisite requirements.

学生 working in a computer lab

联系 中心

星期一,星期二,星期四:  8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
周三: 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
星期五:   8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
建筑# 9
