

胜博发 学生生活 offers on and off campus 事件 and activities, 打折的机票, 对学生来说更多. Find out what’s happening this semester!

事件 & 活动!


Join us outside of the Russell Building (#7) for some soup, 法棍面包, and other treats to celebrate 世界粮食日! This year’s theme is “Right to Foods for a better life and a better future: Leave no one behind.”


Wednesday, October 23 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Join the 学生生活 Department at this year’s 秋季节日! 为所有人提供免费的乐趣和款待!

Free for 学生, 教师, and 工作人员.

Thursday, October 31 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Dress up on Halloween and Trick Or Treat Around Campus!!! 胜博发 Students can pick up a “Trick or Treat” bag from the 学生生活 Box Office in the Student Center (#8). Then, visit the participating locations on campus to Trick or Treat!

Locations will be provided with the bags.

Wednesday, December 11 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Join us for our annual 神奇度假村 Extravaganza!!! Carnival Games, Crafts, Treats, Photo Booth, And More!!!



Saturday, October 26 from 9:00 am – 7:30 pm

公共汽车上午9点离开胜博发 2号地段. Drop off locations are near Times Square and the High Line. Pick up times will be communicated by the bus driver on the day-of, however the bus will leave NYC by 6:00 pm.


Stop by the 学生生活 Box Office in the Larson Student Center (#8) to purchase tickets.

If you are a person who needs accommodations due to disability, please contact 残疾人服务 at 732-255-0456 or accommodations@walshprints.com.

Join us in the Student Center on Tuesday nights for Stay Late in 8!  参加每周的活动, so your homework in a fun atmosphere, 或者只是和你的朋友出去玩!  All of these 事件 are from 5-7 pm and are free to all 胜博发 学生, 教师, and 工作人员.  免费的食物,奖品和乐趣!

October 8:  Jewelry Making w/Engineering
10月22日:电影 & 南瓜雕刻


  1. Personal, valid 胜博发 ID Card must be presented to purchase.
  2. You must accompany your guests on any trip. We reserve the right to check ID Cards on the bus.
  3. Tickets are limited to four (4) per person, unless indicated otherwise. All sales are on a first come, first served basis.
  4. NO ADVANCE reservations will be taken or tickets held. Payment in full is required at the time of reservation.
  5. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to contact 学生生活 at 732-255-0348 in the event of a cancellation prior to the day of the trip.
  6. Cancellations will only be refunded if the ticket(s) can be resold.
  7. No one under the age of 18 is permitted on any trip unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  8. 酒精饮料 禁止 在大学赞助的Trips中.
  9. Prices are subject to change at any time.  Unless otherwise noted, all tickets/seats are on sale in the 学生生活办公室.
  10. All participants attending a 学生生活办公室 sponsored trip must sign and “Off-Campus Travel Release” in advance.

To contact the 学生生活办公室, please call 732-255-0348.


If you are a person who needs accommodations due to disability for any trips, 事件, 和/或活动, please contact 残疾人服务 at 732-255-0456 or accommodations@walshprints.com.  Accommodation requests should be submitted at least 10 业务 days in advance of the event.

问题? 胜博发!


查看我们的 俱乐部活动 page to find upcoming 事件 hosted by the various clubs at 胜博发郡学院.
